Heavy Gauge Thermoforming Company Adds Much Needed Space

heavy gauge thermoforming company

Heavy Gauge Thermoforming Expansion Increases Efficiency

Berthoud, Colorado – November 9, 2010 – Associated Thermoforming Inc. (ATI), is a heavy gauge thermoforming company, highly respected throughout the industry.  They are excited to announce the expansion of their manufacturing facility in Berthoud, Colorado.  Currently housed-under 58-thousand square feet of space, ATI is adding another 12-thousand square feet to the northwest corner of its building. Especially relevant, according to ATI President John Nix, is the increase in efficency of material handling that the additional space will bring.


“With some significant new projects coming online, the resulting additional space is very welcome.  Thus, the timing of this expansion truly couldn’t be better for ATI,” said Nix. The expansion project, which officially broke ground the first week of August, is scheduled to be complete at the end of 2010. Prior to the start of the project, Nix says there had been a lot of infrastructural work done to help prepare the facility for the additional 12-thousand square feet of space. “When we did the math we realized this would give us more than twice as much cubic storage space than our previous heavy gauge thermoforming facilty.  The result is the ability to help us consolidate all that we were already storing in other leased buildings.”

Cost Savings Can Benefit Customers

Furthermore, the consolidation also equates to a cost savings for ATI overall. For decades, ATI has prided itself on providing customers with product when and where they need it.  ATI refers to that kind of service as “just-in-time” service. “Our commitment to ‘just-in-time’ service is the primary reason this expansion makes sense”, said Nix. The additional storage space allows ATI to run larger runs and realize economies of scale, thus providing the customer only what is needed.   We thereby help the customer minimize inventory and benefit from lower unit costs.


About Associated Thermoforming Inc.

Based in Berthoud, Colorado, roughly one hour north of Denver, ATI is a known industry leader in the heavy gauge thermoforming process.  Most noteworthy, ATI sets the standard for quality in the industry for process control.  Consistently yielding parts that meet exacting tolerances, ATI utilizes vacuum-forming, pressure- forming, and twin sheet thermoforming processes.  Moreover, ATI continues to “push the envelope” of the thermoforming process, developing novel process variations to create customer solutions.  In their more than 70,000 square feet of space, ATI’s manufacturing facility houses tooling, forming, trimming and assembly equipment.  Additionally, ATI employs over 80 people from in and around the Berthoud area. For more information, visit www.ATI-forms.com or call John Nix, ATI President at (970) 532-2000.