Plastic Thermoforming Techniques
There are a wide variety of plastic thermoforming techniques. Types of plastic forming you may have heard of include: thin gauge, roll-fed, heavy gauge, cut sheet, injection molding, blow molding, and roto-molding, to name a few. It can be confusing to the un-initiated customer who wants to make a plastic part. We thought we would try to simplify it a bit, so here goes! Keep in mind that this is some serious over-simplification. Learn more about us here!
What We Do…
The plastic thermoforming technique that applies to Associated Thermoforming is HEAVY GAUGE, CUT SHEET (one sheet at a time, as opposed to a roll of thin gauge plastic) thermoforming. The plastic sheet we work with typically ranges between .040″ and .400″ thickness. We form large, structural and decorative parts for a wide spectrum of industries, and our processes include vacuum forming, pressure forming, and twin sheet forming. Typically, our parts range, from the small end of about a square foot, to the large end, being 6′ X 11′.
What We DON’T Do…
Forming thin gauge, roll fed plastics into small parts is the plastic thermoforming technique that does NOT apply to ATI. These processes produce products like blister packaging, thin gauge plant potting trays, food packaging containers, or plastic cups. These are not items that can or should be produced using our process. Additionally, our thermoforming technique does not typically involve running very small, or one time jobs. Nor do we manufacture prototypes that are not a part of an ongoing thermoforming project. Our thermoforming process would be neither cost effective, nor the appropriate process for the X’d out types of projects illustrated above.
There are, however, numerous projects which would be appropriate for our heavy gauge plastic thermoforming technique, and we’re here to help. Hopefully this helps to clarify what OUR thermoforming technique does… and does not do. Click HERE to Learn More About Our Capabilities! To see some of the parts we make, check out our gallery HERE! Or if you already know we’re the right guys, let’s just Get Started Now!